프로젝트 할 때 날 그렇게 괴롭히더니 텀 프로젝트하면서 해결됐다 ㅠㅠ
매우 슬프군,,
그래서 흔적을 남긴다
담에도 또 써먹을수 있도록!!
*먼저 설치할 것
cd gnuplot-4.2.0
make check
make install
sysstat-7.0.0.tar.gz(설치법: http://blog.naver.com/blueruby?Redirect=Log&logNo=60029332160)
1. #mkdir /usr/local/sar1
2. #mkdir –p /usr/local/sar1/log/sa
3. #cd /usr/local/sar1
4. #wget http://perso.orange.fr/sebastien.godard/sysstat-7.0.0.tar.gz
5. #tar xvzf sysstat-7.0.0.tar.gz
6. #cd sysstat-7.0.0
7. #make config
Isstallation directory /usr/local/sar1
… sadc directory
system activity directory /usr/local/sar1/log/sa
clean system activity directory n
Enable National Language Support y
8. #make
9. #make install
10. #cd /usr/local/sar1
11. #ls
bin doc lib log man share
sysstat-7.0.0 sysstat-7.0.0.tar.gz
12. #cd /etc/cron.d
13. #ls
14. sysstat
#vi sysstat
#run system activity accownting tool every to minutes
*/10 * * * * root /usr/lib/sa/sa1 1 1
*/10 * * * * root /usr/local/sar1/lib/sa/sa1 1 1
#generate a daily summary of process accounting at
53 23 * * * root /usr/lib/sa/sa2 -A
53 23 * * * root /sar1/lib/sa/sa2 –A
-iostat 7.0
#cd /usr/local/sar1
#cd bin
#ls (iostat mpstat sadf sar)
1. tpc-c 설치
/mnt에 dbt2-0.40.tar.gz 다운로드
cd /mnt
tar -xzvf dbt2-0.40.tar.gz
cd dbt2-0.40
./configure --with-mysql=/usr/local/mysql
2. 20개 warehouse dataset 생성
mkdir -p /mnt/data
src/datagen -w 20 -d /mnt/data --mysql
3. 인덱스 추가
cd /mnt/dbt2-0.40/scripts/mysql
vi build_db.sh
no_o_id int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
no_d_id int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
no_w_id int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
PRIMARY KEY (no_d_id,no_w_id,no_o_id),
KEY ix_no_wid_did (no_w_id,no_d_id)
4. dataset 로드
sh build_db.sh -d dbt2 -f /mnt/data -s /tmp/mysql.sock -u root -p $MYSQLPASS
sh 설치 안되어있으면
./build_db.sh -d dbt2 -f /mnt/data -s /tmp/mysql.sock -u root -p $MYSQLPASS
mysql 패스워드가 있으면 위에처럼 하고, 아니면 -p 옵션 안주면 됨
5. stored procedure의 delimiter 편집
cd /mnt/dbt2-0.40/storedproc/mysql
sed -i -e 's/|\;/|/' *.sql
mysql -u root -p$MYSQLPASS -D dbt2 < new_order.sql
mysql -u root -p$MYSQLPASS -D dbt2 < new_order_2.sql
mysql -u root -p$MYSQLPASS -D dbt2 < order_status.sql
mysql -u root -p$MYSQLPASS -D dbt2 < payment.sql
mysql -u root -p$MYSQLPASS -D dbt2 < stock_level.sql
6. mysql 설치된 디렉토리에 가서
mysql -u root -p
Enter password:
Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 39
Server version: 5.1.20-beta-log MySQL Community Server (GPL)
Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.
mysql> use dbt2
Database changed
mysql> show tables;
| Tables_in_dbt2 |
| customer |
| district |
| history |
| item |
| new_order |
| order_line |
| orders |
| stock |
| warehouse |
9 rows in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> show table status
Listing of my.cnf
grep -v "#" /etc/my.cnf|sed -e '/^$/d'
11. 벤치마크 수행
sh run_workload.sh -c 20 -t 20 -d 300 -w 20 -u root -x $MYSQLPASS
sh run_workload.sh -c 20 -t 10 -d 900 -w 20 -u root -x $MYSQLPASS
sh run_workload.sh -c 20 -t 5 -d 900 -w 20 -u root -x $MYSQLPASS
sh run_workload.sh -c 20 -t 200 -d 300 -w 20 -u root -x $MYSQLPASS
sh run_workload.sh -c 20 -t 100 -d 3600 -w 20 -u root -x $MYSQLPASS
./post-process --dir /mnt/dbt2-0.40/scripts/output/20 --xml
post-process 해서 아래 화면 처럼 안나오면 perl 설치
Use of uninitialized value at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.5/Test/Parser/Dbt2.pm line
Response Time (s)
Transaction % Average : 90th % Total Rollbacks %
------------ ----- --------------------- ----------- --------------- -----
Delivery 3.79 5.578 : 5.167 5309 0 0.00
New Order 43.84 6.023 : 5.492 61347 618 1.02
Order Status 3.74 5.270 : 5.021 5240 0 0.00
Payment 41.30 5.276 : 5.005 57799 1 0.00
Stock Level 7.33 5.004 : 5.513 10252 4883 90.95
------------ ----- --------------------- ----------- --------------- -----
perl 설치 방법(http://blog.naver.com/hotfeel7?Redirect=Log&logNo=150002056924)
$ tar xvfz ./perl-5.8.5.tar.gz
$ cd perl-5.8.5
$ ./Configure -Dprefix=$HOME/perl -des
$ make
$ make test
$ make install
$ cd perl/bin
$ ./perl -V
cpan 초기화
$ cd ~/perl/bin
$ ./perl -MCPAN -e shell
$ cd ~/perl
$ ./bin/cpan
cpan>install Chart::Graph::Gnuplot
cpan>install Test::Parser
cpan>install Test::Reporter
cpan>install XML::Simple
cpan>install XML::Twig
'Database' 카테고리의 다른 글
mysql 설치 (0) | 2007.12.03 |
[dbt2] mysql : tpc-c benchmark (0) | 2007.12.03 |